Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Smoked Salmon and Avocado Pasta

We are renovating 2nd floor right now.    I have to tell you the house J bought for us is very old.  It's built in mid 40's which is not a surprise at where we live.  But the couple who lived here were old and weren't taking care of this house well besides whatever the renovations they did was very unprofessionally done.  So by the time this house was on sale, the couple was long gone, the house was unattended for years on top of the original messed up conditions.  It is true because of it, we had a such a bargain.  I didn't look at this house until the day of the closing.  I was busy in North East.  So it was such a shock to see the state this house was in....  but we took out the carpeting from entire house, cleaned up, had the kitchen remodeled, painted the wood paneling walls.  It's slowly coming together.  The one thing (which is most important factor to me to pick a house) that I love this place is its size and layout.  It's not huge, but adequate for 3 of us.  It has funny little place or hallway to play around.  So even though it is far from my dream house yet, I'm happily waiting it to be the one someday.
So the entire 2nd floor is demolished to have new electric, air conditioning system and walls installed.  Which is great!  Yet when the lunch time comes, I feel too self conscious about cooking something has strong aroma such as frying garlic.  They are working hard and cooking some nice smelling food and not serving them seems to me not nice.  
But I do get hungry.  And I don't want to eat PB & J every day....besides the fact that we don't keep bread in the house since J is trying to avoid gluten as much as possible and our daughter doesn't care for a sandwich.
So the cold salad pasta is actually great lunch for me to whip up.  All I have to do is to boil the pasta.  It doesn't create aroma of cooking.  I just have to cut ingredients and mix.  

*Smoked Salmon and Avocado Pasta*
For 2 servings
1 avocado
2 oz. smoked salmon 
10 cherry tomatoes
1/4 red onion
2 table spoon capers
2 tea spoon Dijon mustard
2 tea spoon extra virgin olive oil
Freshly squeezed juice form 1 lemon
2 tea spoon white wine vinegar
Salt and pepper to taste
Your favorite pasta 1/2 lb.

< 1 > Start boiling water for cooking the pasta.
< 2 >  Chop avocado, salmon, and tomatoes to bite size.
< 3 > Slice the onion into thin strips or mince.
< 4 > Mix all the ingredients together in a large bowl.
< 5 > When the pasta is cooked, mix with everything in the bowl and serve.

Both avocado and salmon contains lots of fat, so I hold off the amount of olive oil in this dish.
This actually will be really nice on a hot summer day.  But It is getting pretty nice here in east TN.  I hear birds singing in the morning.  The are very colorful.  I can't wait till spring....

February has passed....  I can't believe it's already March!  Here is the review of the sweets I made in the last month.

There are lots of chocolate sweets because of Valentine's day.  I actually lost a week worth of data because the construction upstairs cuts off the electricity suddenly.  So there should have been more sweets...  However the sweets that I made during the time were actually not really successful.  Especially the tartlets that I baked with raspberry tinted very pale pink pear compote. It somehow resembled too much like a mini chicken breast.  It really did.  Those were called chicken breast tarts by J and our daughter.  It could have been perfect for halloween with some red sauce drizzled over it though.

1 comment:

  1. Just about to try your smoked salmon and avocado recipe. I was looking for an interesting twist to this combination with pasta and think yours sounds great! Also I love hearing about your home renovations - it sounds like a big project you've taken on. Oh and congratulations on a beautiful blogsite - the pictures of your bakery treats look very inviting! If you'd like you can also read my blog - I'm an Australian living in Italy and have just been through a little hospital episode - it's given me lots to write about but I haven't got to my cooking section yet! www.diaryofatemporaryoneleggedwoman.wordpress.com

    Cheers for now, and keep up the great blogging!

