Monday, February 14, 2011

I love Omelets!

Since J is trying to avoid as much as gluten possible, although he eats my tarts and sweets.....  I cook omelets often for breakfast.  I sometimes feel like it's too rich to eat eggs and cheese in early morning, but I definitely enjoy eating them for weekend brunch or lunch.  
My mother cooked very simple omelet with mozzarella cheese.  That was only omelet I was used to besides Japanese rice omelet.  So when I tasted other omelets with vegetables in, it really gave me new possibilities.

I love tomatoes.  I love avocados.  I like both of them in my omelet.  Sometimes I don't even bother to put cheese in since avocado is pretty rich.  But sometimes I do.  I had a nice block of  Emmental so I decided to use it.

*Tomato and Avocado Omelet *
2 eggs
a pinch of salt
1 tea spoon cooking oil
1/2 small tomato
1/2 abocado
1/8 cup cheese

< 1 > Whip eggs with salt using a fork while heating the oil in a frying pan
< 2 > Cook eggs until the surface is half cooked.
< 3 > Put cheese and vegetables and cover.  Cook for 1 min.
< 4 > fold it to half and serve.

My father can whip eggs so beautifully with a pair of chop sticks.  His eggs would be very light yellow with tiny consistent bubbles covering the surface.  I was always impressed to see how he does that as a child.  He told me to put a middle finger between the chop sticks so they are separated.  I've tried and tried, and am still trying, but it doesn't come out pretty like his.  But it's for a omelet...  I think it's good enough.

We had a great breakfast in the nice little diner in Vermont last year.  I love Vermont for its great dairy products and maple syrup.  They seems to be proud of what they make, too.  Even small town has a few stores that sells local works of artists and craftsman.  All the restaurants we visited were very creative and delicious.  I was so glad to be able to visit Vermont while we lived in North East.
I encountered this omelet in Vermont.  I thought it was a little weird to put radishes in a omelet.  But I ordered anyway because I didn't feel like having heavy omelet with sausage or cheddar cheese in it.  And I loved it!  It gives such a clean refreshing taste.

* Radish and Goat Cheese Omelet *
2 eggs
a pinch of salt
1 tea spoon cooking oil
2 radishes 
2 table spoon goat cheese

< 1 > Whip eggs with salt using a fork while heating the oil in a frying pan
< 2 > Cook eggs until the surface is half cooked.
< 3 > Put cheese and vegetables and fold.
< 4 > Cook for 1 minute and serve.

There are so many different things we can put it a omelet.....  I've even seen banana on a menu somewhere.  Yet I am not sure it really work, I will continue to think up more interesting combinations.

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