Monday, January 31, 2011

Rice Salad

The weekend was almost a sneak preview of spring.  Warmer air, sunshine, birds' singing.....  just missing flower blossoming.  I heard that this area will be beautiful in spring.  I just have to be patient for another couple of months.

I made this rice salad with leftover rice from a night before.  It's very light and refreshing dish, yet you can get vegetables, meat, and carbohydrate.  So I prefer to eat it as one meal but it's a kind of sad to only eat this for dinner.  A weekend lunch is perfect time to do so.

3 cups of cooked rice
1 medium tomato
1 carrot
1 stalk of celery
1/3 yellow or orange pepper
2 boiled eggs
1 can of tuna
3 table spoons  chopped parsley
Lemon juice form 1/2 lemon
2 table spoon of olive oil
Salt and pepper to taste

< 1 > Cut the all the vegetables to 3/8 inch cubes.
< 2 > Chop the eggs to same size.
< 3 > Drain the liquid out of tuna can and loosen it with a fork.
< 4 > Mix the all the ingredients together.

Put olives, caper, or pine nuts. Decorate with sliced boiled egg.  

I used left over Jasmine rice ( half white, half brown ).  I think any kind of rice will work.  

So I was reviewing what I have baked this month....  I had been baking that much before.  It is almost my new year's resolution to be a good baker.  I want to be able to bake like as I can cook.  I'm looking forward to baking in February, too!

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